
大地が揺れ心が揺れる3 Earthquake, heartquake 3
















From the day before the New Year's earthquake, I felt dizzy and strange.  It was like the disconnection in the brain I felt when I was depressed.  But since I fully recovered, it couldn't be depression.  "Hmm, this is strange.  What's this?  Why this can happen on my 25th birthday:-)"


After the earthquake, my brain was foggy during the day but I slept well at night for a month.  And I caught a minor cold with vomiting, diarrhea, and slight fever.  Even during such a period, giving healing sessions and Reiki seminars let me feel energetic.  More importantly, I finally articulated my emotions that had been inside me for a long time into clear words.  Now I feel refreshed both physically and mentally.


The energy surging up from the depths of the earth has been shaking people's hearts and spreading rapidly.  Some people around me experienced similar life changes before and after the quake.  And they say it has been quite tough.


If you notice anything, it might be a good idea to tell someone you trust, share emotions, and let go of the clutters inside you.  We can be a positive influence on each other.  It might be tough, but if you think of it as a minor cold with vomiting and diarrhea, you can overcome it!  This is a once-in-a-millennium opportunity.


Journey to Deeper-self

Earthquake, heartquake 2

Earthquake, heartquake 1



★2月12日(水)レベル3フォローアップ(受講者対象) 私用によりキャンセルになりました


★金曜日21:30 宇宙平安の祈り 上記Googleカレンダーで確認してください  受講者対象 Student-only prayer on Fridays, 21:30 Japan time 

★第1&3火曜日20:00~21:00 英語でレイキ Zoom 受講者対象  修了したレベルまで参加可 現在レベル4  日時の変更あり

★第1木曜日21:00~22:00 英語マニュアル Book Club マスター対象

★第3木曜日21:00~22:00 日本語マニュアル読書会 マスター対象



日時は皆様のご希望に対応します。上記のGoogle カレンダーの空いている時間の中から(3日前までに)希望日をお知らせください

Let me know your preferred date and place for seminar, session and follow-up class at least 3 days in advance.  Mail

あなたの手で自分自身を癒し 安らかな心で日々のつとめを果たしましょう 

Let's Reiki and live life to the fullest.