関連記事:大地が揺れ心が揺れる2 Earthquake, heartquake 2
My husband and I were in Oyabe in Toyama Prefecture. Shortly after we started the car to go home, we heard unfamiliar sounds from the car TV and smartphones. "What's this strange noise?" "Does it say earthquake??" Turning on the hazard lights, we pulled over, and hoped that it would end without anything. It's the first day of the year; there can't be anything wrong. This must be some mistake.
The next moment, the car started shaking violently up and down, and back and forth, as if riding on a trampoline. Why now? Why am I here? It will stop soon. Stop NOW!
It was the longest minute of my life.
We pulled over every time the alarm sounded, then slowly drove forward after the shaking stopped. Huge rocks can fall from the cliff and concrete chunks from the tunnel. All we can do is pray for luck.
Now, we have two options. One path approaches the sea and curves through long tunnels along the mountain side. Another option is to continue running near the coast. TV warns to evacuate from Tsunami. Will the Tsunami reach this far? No one knows what will happen, what to do, and which way to choose.
The endless traffic jams to convenience stores and gas stations, and people making phone calls in cramped parking spaces show not only the ground but also human hearts are shaking intensely.
Finally we arrived home. We made it. However, it was not the result of the decisions we made but simply an accumulation of luck.
New Year's Day is a day for family reunion. This year was even more special as it was the first time since the pandemic. Some young people died while visiting their old parents. Some survived because they happened to be out of town enjoying the vacation.
Our life or death is determined by such small coincidences. How fragile and powerless we are in front of the immense force that shakes, cracks, and uplifts the earth.
