I spoke about "Why and How Do You Practice Reiki?" at Reiki Rays HEALING SUMMIT 2022, 11-16 November

Heisen-ji Hakusan shrine in Fukui
Heisen-ji Hakusan shrine in Fukui

The Universe sends us beautiful music, and by simply dancing to its rhythm, we find happiness.  This, in turn, spreads happiness to those around us.

I am Fumi Koji, a Gendai Reiki master in Ishikawa, Japan.  Let's Reiki with me and live life to the fullest.


What is Reiki?

Kurama-dera temple in Kyoto
Kurama-dera temple in Kyoto

People around the world have been using something invisible radiated from human palms to treat illnesses and emotional pain for a long time.  In Japan, 臼井甕男 Mikao Usui created his own system, 臼井霊気療法 the Usui Reiki Ryoho which uses mystical energy known as Reiki to heal the body, mind, and promote spiritual well-being.  


Being born in Japan, Usui Reiki rapidly travelled around the world through Hawaii.  It is estimated to have millions of practitioners, including those in hospitals as a complementary treatment.


In the 1980s, Reiki returned to Japan in a new style, and currently, the Western-style Reiki is more widely recognized than the original Japanese Usui Reiki Ryoho Gakkai.


現代レイキGendai Reiki, a contemporary style of Reiki, benefits from both streams, by combining the high spirituality of original Japanese Usui Reiki with the simplicity of Western-style techniques.  This makes it a profound yet straightforward method for leading a healthy and happy life in modern society.  


Incorporating Reiki into daily life is quite natural when the world is shifting towards non-materialism.  You can heal yourself and contribute to your community and the world.  I am ready to support you on your journey.


Learn Reiki in Japan

  • Gendai Reiki Ho English Seminars
  • Available upon request
  • Introduction: History and purpose of original Japanese Usui Reiki, philosophy of Usui Sensei and Gendai Reiki.  Introduction is mandatory
  • Level 1: Reiki session for self, family and friends
  • After Level 1, you can access the Students only page, join weekly 30-min online prayer and exercises, join the-first-day-of-every-month session as a healer, and join a LINE group for more info.
  • Level 2: Reiki at a distance, to past and future with 3 Reiki Symbols
  • Level 3: The 4th Symbol, spiritual growth, beyond the Symbols
  • Level 4: Master training
  • Follow-up classes for any level : available in-person and online

Official Manual

Gendai Reiki CD

  • A package of 2 CDs
  • Gendai Reiki Ho's Giho: techniques, meditations, exercises
  • Gokai, Essence of Reiki, Gendai Reiki style Hatsurei Ho, Meiji Emperor's Gyosei poems, etc.
  • Hiroshi Doi's guidance followed by English (Lynda Miyashita)
  • Beautiful music by Fumio Miyashita
  • Best-buy for your Reiki class and personal practice
  • Anyone can purchase
  • Download 

Koryu-kai to Enjoy Reiki with Friends

Saturday or Sunday,  1:30 - 4:30pm,  2,000 yen/person   

  • Small group (Max. 7) 
  • Easy meditation and exercises
  • Reiju: Energy-tuning by professional Reiki Master/s
  • Brief explanation and QA
  • Learn to heal yourself and others
  • Experience the benefits of healing
  • All levels welcome
  • You don't need to be 'sensitive' to energy
  • Check the Google Calendar below

Reiki Session to Relax

Practitioner puts hands on your clothes to flow Reiki energy in the Universe.  In half-asleep and half-awake state, Reiki strengthens immune system and develops ability to truly live life.


Enjoy the ultimate relaxation. It will help you release what is unnecessary, and what is meant to happen will happen in the right time. 

  • Private session in Tsurugi or your preferred place at your preferred time:  5,000 yen / 60 min (+ transportation 3,000 yen or more)
  • Tsuitachi healing on the 1st day of every month in Tsurugi.  Only 3 applicants, at 9:30, 10:15 and 11:00.   Mondays closed.     2,000 yen / about 30 min. Session time becomes short when you come late.  Bring 2 towels and a blanket.

You may have a healing reaction when great amount of energy flows into your body;

  • fatigue and sleepiness
  • physical reactions: fever, pain, itchiness, diarrhea, desire to urinate
  • emotional release: sadness, fear, anger

Do not resist it.  Have more rest and water, and sleep earlier. If it lasts more than 2 days, visit a doctor as it can be something else, not Reiki.


Note:  Reiki session is not a medical treatment or energy/mind/previous-life reading.


My class and events are usually held in a tatami room of Tsurugi Community Center, Hakusan City, Ishikawa.

Book & Interview

Revised edition of Iyashi no Gendai Reiki Ho by Hiroshi Doi

revised translation Fumi Koji

highly rated by Amazon USA 


Illustrated Instructions for Gendai Reiki Ho exercises Level I and II  by Hiroshi Doi


Interview with Hiroshi Doi sensei Part I & II 

interviewer William Lee Rand

translation  Fumi Koji



★2月12日(水)レベル3フォローアップ(受講者対象) 私用によりキャンセルになりました


★金曜日21:30 宇宙平安の祈り 上記Googleカレンダーで確認してください  受講者対象 Student-only prayer on Fridays, 21:30 Japan time 

★第1&3火曜日20:00~21:00 英語でレイキ Zoom 受講者対象  修了したレベルまで参加可 現在レベル4  日時の変更あり

★第1木曜日21:00~22:00 英語マニュアル Book Club マスター対象

★第3木曜日21:00~22:00 日本語マニュアル読書会 マスター対象



日時は皆様のご希望に対応します。上記のGoogle カレンダーの空いている時間の中から(3日前までに)希望日をお知らせください

Let me know your preferred date and place for seminar, session and follow-up class at least 3 days in advance.  Mail

あなたの手で自分自身を癒し 安らかな心で日々のつとめを果たしましょう 

Let's Reiki and live life to the fullest.