
地球の中心と繋がったら、その向こうはアルゼンチン English






ご覧ください、全員がこの眩しい笑顔  Look at these bright faces!

It really was our pleasure to have Matilde, Marcera, Veronica and Patricia from Argentina.  They stayed a hotel in Kanazawa City to visit my small town, Tsurugi.  Four Argentine masters, four Japanese masters and 5 Level III practitioners enjoyed Gendai Reiki exercises together: Prayer of Light, and Meditation, Self-cleansing healing, Gendai Reiki style Hatsurei-ho and Immune activation with 'O' sound.  Everything was filled with strong and soft energy when we exchanged Gendai Reiju.  The Argentine masters gave us a great opportunity to know that Reiki is popular far from Japan. 


癒された時の反応は老若男女、万国共通。どこからともなく寝息&イビキが…  You can't resist to be healed, zzzz

そしておやつを囲んでの女子会は共通の話題で大盛り上がり⤴ 何の話かはご想像ください。スピリチュアルな話題ではありませぬ(笑) 


Women love candies and talking in any country.



Koji is Japan-origin bacteria to ferment foods.  Koji changes soy bean to miso and shoyu (soy sauce), and rice into sake, ama-zake and rice vinegar.  I took them to one of the rice koji makers in Tsurugi. The owner's family strictly keeps the tradition of family business; they never eat natto to avoid natto bacteria impacting that of koji which has been kept more than 100 years in their house.  


My husband's family name means 'rice koji', which I was not able to read when I met him.  Fortunately, people are reconsidering traditional Japanese food and rice koji bacteria is becoming popular again.  This trend makes me to joke, "You would be fermented if I touch you".  








Get grounded means to settle down on the ground.  It is easy to do; you just visualize that your energy is stretching into the center of the earth.  In fact, it is more important to 'stay' grounded after you 'get' grounded.


I once wondered when my energy went into the 'center' of the earth, then what would happen to it.  Would it go far more and appear the other side of the earth?  :-)  Yes, it might have.   It might have gone to Argentine and then returned to Japan.  






Thank you so much, light from the other side of the earth!  Let's teach and learn each other.  Let's Reiki together!!





★ほぼ毎週金曜日21:30 宇宙平安の祈り他 上記Googleカレンダーで確認してください  受講者対象

★第1&3火曜日20:00~21:00 英語でレイキ Zoom 受講者対象  修了したレベルまで参加可 現在レベル3 日時の変更あり

★第1木曜日21:00~22:00 英語マニュアル Book Club マスター対象

★第3木曜日21:00~22:00 日本語マニュアル読書会 マスター対象



日時は皆様のご希望に対応します。上記のGoogle カレンダーの空いている時間の中から(3日前までに)希望日をお知らせください

Let me know your preferred date and place for seminar, session and follow-up class at least 3 days in advance.  Mail

あなたの手で自分自身を癒し 安らかな心で日々のつとめを果たしましょう 

Let's Reiki and live life to the fullest.